Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Silver Jewelry export growth in India outpaced gold in Dec 2014

The gold jewelry exports from India remained almost flat year-on-year at $ 554.45 million (Rs. 3,479.17 Crore) in Dec 2014 while its silver jewelry exports surged higher by 26.68% year-on-year to $148.49 million, in accordance with the latest data released by the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC).
According to GJEPC, country's cut and polished diamond exports in Dec ‘14 reached $1,451.75 million, increasing marginally by 1.33% over the previous year. The country’s exports of Coloured Gemstones surged by 10.82% from $19.15 million in Dec ‘13 to $20.94 million in Dec ‘14. The exports of Pearls too soared to $0.30 million from $0.08 million a year ago. The exports of Synthetic stones increased sharply by 16.35% from $7.40 million in Dec 2013 to $8.61 million in Dec 2014.